So, I’ve always loved peanut butter, but after surgery it’s one of the foods I hella love. I love it to the point where I have to eat some every day. The bummer about that is that peanut butter has a lot of calories. So, I thought I would switch to low fat peanut butter and by doing that, I would be doing myself a favor. Yeah, that’s a big fat NO! For some reason the folks at XYZ Peanut Butter Company thought they would play a trick on us. You see if they put “25% less fat” or “Reduced Fat” on the label, that we consumers wouldn’t know that most brands of reduced fat peanut butter have the SAME amount of CALORIES! How messed up is that? If calories in vs. calories out is still the best way to lose weight, I’m going back to my regular peanut butter and eating it sparingly thank you very much.

However, I found a great product prior to my surgery that I used in my protein shakes to change that same old boring chocolate to chocolate peanut butter. That product is PB2.

Thank goodness the folks at Bell Plantation have no only made a product that works great for protein shakes, but as I have recently found makes a pretty good substitute for peanut butter in general. To really enjoy this product you have to be a fan of peanuts in general and be prepared for a stronger peanut flavor, but dang it, when you look at the stats compared to regular peanut butter, I am going to choose PB2.

Traditional PB2
2 Tbsp – 190 calories 2 Tbsp – 45 calories
Calories from fat – 130 Calories from fat – 13
Saturated fat – 3 grams Saturated fat – 0 grams

So, give it a try if you love peanut butter and have to have a bit every day or even when you aren’t a peanut butter freak like me. Add a tablespoon to your protein shake, mix it with water (or milk) to make it to a peanut butter consistency and make yourself a PBJ sandwich, or try this yummy protein packed pancake recipe from my friends at Bariatric Foodie.

Until next time dear readers when we tackle bread…friend or foe?

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